[Brand Introduction] Barnard Family

Barnard Family, Britain's oldest silver workshop
The Barnard family was a British silversmith who was active from the 18th to the 20th century.
The Barnard family produced many masterpieces from the Georgian era to the Victorian era, and is known as a prestigious family that shines brightly in the history of British silverware.
The origins of the Bernard family company can be traced back to the workshop of the legendary English silversmith Anthony Hermé, which was established around 1680.
This is why it is said to be Britain's oldest silversmith.
The company founded by Anthony Hermé was merged with the company managed by Thomas Whipham in 1739, and by Thomas Chauner in 1786, expanding its size.
Edward Bernard I, the first generation of the Barnard family, was a disciple of Thomas Chauner, and Edward Bernard I's second son contributed greatly to the company as its foreman.
The Barnard family began in 1829 when Edward Barnard I and his sons took over the management of the company and renamed it Edward Barnard & Sons.
The company became a subsidiary of Padgett & Braham in 1977 and closed completely in 2003.
Product features
The Bernard family of silverware has been producing high-quality silverware for royalty and the upper aristocracy since the time of Anthony Hermé, and its quality has always maintained a high standard.
Particularly popular items are tea sets and trays.
It features elegant and sophisticated designs in neoclassical and rococo styles that match the styles of each era.

Representative works
His most famous work is the baptismal font called the Lily Font, which was commissioned by Queen Victoria in 1840 when she was pregnant with her first daughter.
A baptismal font is a container for holding water used in Christian baptisms.
It is large, nearly 10 kg, with a flower-shaped bowl beautifully decorated with water lilies and leaves, and is made of sterling silver with gold plating.
The central shaft is in the shape of a lily, and three angels playing lyres sit on the circular pedestal.
It is kept in the Jewel House in the Tower of London as part of the Royal Collection, and has been used at the christenings of the British royal family since 1841.
Many of the Barnard family's works are included in famous museums such as the Victoria & Albert Museum and the British Museum in London.
As the pinnacle of British silverware, it continues to fascinate many people even today.